
Tèxtils.CAT launches its CIRCULAR hub to support textile companies to become more competitive


Tèxtils.CAT has launched its hub for textile circularity during a dedicated event in the heights of Tibidabo, Barcelona, with over 40 participants of the advanced textile materials ecosystem.

The new hub CIRCULAR.Tèxtils.CAT consolidates the know-how and tools developed over the past decade in a single gateway for textile companies to access. This hub aims to facilitate advanced textile materials companies an easy way to access tools for driving the green transition, facilitating high-value connections and as a community to share best practices.

During the launch event, Tèxtils.CAT presented the vision of the hub and next steps to expand it based on active collaboration of industry in the different activities such as the waste marketplace to foster circularity, networking events and training opportunities through the compilation of virtual trainings in a single-entry point.

The event hosted two panel talks, the first with public stakeholders including the Department of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition from the Catalan Government, ACCIÓ and the Waste Agency of Catalonia who shared the opportunities for the sector in circularity; the second panel discussion focused on cross-sectoral collaboration mediated by clusters with the participation of MODACC, Cluster Packaging and the Pacte per la Moda Sostenible, all of them strategic partners of Tèxtils.CAT.

The next activity of the hub will aim at strengthening international relationships with the organization of an international collaboration forum on November 13th in Barcelona to connect the advanced textile materials sector of Catalonia with European counterparts.

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