
TEXSOSPACK project, aimed at promoting the implementation of sustainable packaging in the advanced textiles materials’ sector, comes to an end


AEI Tèxtils, together with the Packaging Cluster and with the collaboration of LEITAT Technological Center, have concluded TEXSOSPACK project, co-funedd by the Waste Agency of Catalonia in the framework of the program Promotion of Circular Economy.

The project aims to promote the implementation of sustainable packaging in the advanced textile materials sector. TEXSOSPACK has firstly carried out a state of the art analysis of sustainable packaging in various sectors, and secondly generated a compilation of various options available in terms of adopting sustainable packaging measures.

With this information, an inter-cluster session was held between companies in the advanced textile materials sector and packaging companies to define the challenges they face on a daily basis and, through a work dynamic, to propose solutions. From the solutions proposed by Packaging Cluster members, the most relevant ones were selected and studied with a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA).

The results obtained (mainly focused on calculating the carbon footprint) for the proposed scenarios are as follows:

  • The use of recycled low-density polyethylene film plastic instead of virgin material is estimated to reduce the carbon footprint by 55%, avoiding the consumption of virgin material and final disposal of this material.
  • Reusable cardboard boxes can be used instead of disposable boxes. Taking transport into account, it has been found that, over short distances, a box that is reused six times represents an 80% reduction in carbon footprint compared to a disposable one.
  • A cardboard tube is usually made from 100% Recycled cardboard and using safe glues, but usually has only a single use. The project considers the use of plastic mandrels, which are more durable, and compares their environmental impact with cardboard mandrels.

All this information can be found in detail in a guide to facilitate the implementation of sustainable packaging for companies in the advanced textile materials sector, which could be extrapolated to other companies in the textile sector and even to other sectors. This guide will be soon available at the project website.

TEXSOSPACK aims to facilitate the green transition of the Catalan advanced textile materials’ and packaging sectors, both mainly formed by SMEs, while generating new business opportunities to increase their competitiveness based on close collaboration and the reduction of the environmental impact of their services and products.

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