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TEX-r-HUB – Sectoral study to promote circular economy in the technical textiles sector in Catalonia

Program: Projects to promote the circular economy, of the Waste Agency of Catalonia.

Participation of Tèxtils.CAT: Coordinator

Start date: September 2023

End date: February 2025


The aim of TEX-r-HUB is to develop a sectoral study to promote the circular economy in the technical textiles sector in Catalonia, connecting the different companies in the ecosystem in order to facilitate the circularity of the sector.

The main actions to be carried out are the creation of a database of companies and agents of the sector involved in the value chain of the recycling of technical textiles, identifying the technical recycling capacities of each of them, the existing challenges for their scaling up and the opportunities for growth.

The cluster will invite these sectorial agents to a series of co-creation sessions in order to identify future challenges and lines of action to scale up the network to a recycling hub for technical textiles. To this end, a technical and economic feasibility study of the solutions proposed by the hub in Catalonia will be carried out.

The project will be an improvement for the Catalan technical textiles sector, basically made up of SMEs, as it will generate new opportunities for them to contribute to the reduction of the sector’s environmental impact. Likewise, it will also have a positive impact on fashion and dairy companies that could benefit from new recycled products, as well as from the pilot experience.

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With the co-financing from:

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