

GALACTICA – Smart Industrial innovation as enabler to drive new value chains for textiles and aerospace

Program: H2020

Participation of Tèxtils.CAT: Project coordinator. Consortium composed of 10 partners: ATEVALNTTSAGCORALLIAPRODUTECHPole EMC2EBANCTA and Süderelbe AG.

Start date: September 2020

End date: February 2023


GALACTICA aims to facilitate the creation of new industrial value chains around the textile and aerospace industries based on advanced manufacturing. The project will enable the uptake of industrial intelligent systems and Industrial Internet of Things as strategic drivers for innovation in the textile and aerospace sectors.

The project will launch two calls for proposals to support SMEs, the first on March 2021 and the second on January 2022, with a total budget of 2,8M€.

Each call will include two support lines for SMEs:

  • Pioneer Acceleration: targeting SMEs developing a minimum viable product or prototype with a maximum funding of 20.000€ per company.
  • Orbital projects: targeting SME consortia (minimum 2), focusing the development of a functional demonstrator, with a maximum funding of 100.000€ per project or 50.000€ per SME.

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