

Roda de premsa de Techtextil

Roda de premsa de Techtextil

L'1 de març, l'AEI Tèxtils va assistir a la roda de premsa de la fira de tèxtils tècnics més important a nivell mundial: Techtextil. La roda de premsa va tenir lloc a l'Hotel Cubik de Barcelona i va comptar amb la participació de Michael Jänecke, Director de l'Àrea...

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EU-TEXTILE2030 meets in Biella, Italy

EU-TEXTILE2030 meets in Biella, Italy

A Steering Committee of EU-TEXTILE2030 was held in Biella, on 25th and 26th February. The meeting was hosted by POINTEX, at Citta Studi facilicites. All EU-TEXTILE2030 partners participated at this meeting, ATEVAL (the project coordinator), AEI TÈXTILS, CLUTEX,...

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Presentation of ITMA in Barcelona

Presentation of ITMA in Barcelona

On 27th February, a presentation of ITMA was held at AMEC facilities in Barcelona. ITMA is the most important exhibition worldwide on textile machinery, which will take place in Barcelona from 20th to 26th June. AEI Tèxtils is one of the ITMA supporting...

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Launch of FOSTEX project

Launch of FOSTEX project

The kick-off meeting of the FOSTEX project took place from February 18th to 20th at The School of Industrial, Aeronautical and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT), from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, leader of the Project. FOXTEX project is...

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C.P. Aluart has participated at the ISPO trade fair

C.P. Aluart has participated at the ISPO trade fair

C.P. Aluart, member of AEI Tèxtils, has participated at the sports' trade fair ISPO, held in Munich from 3rd to 6th February. C.P. Aluart, manufacturer of knitted fabrics for personal protection, participated within a joint booth organized in the framework of the...

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