

TEXSTRA issues its fourth newsletter

TEXSTRA issues its fourth newsletter

The European project TEXSTRA, in which AEI Tèxtils participates as a partner, has issued its third newsletter. TEXSTRA aims to contribute on the knowledge transfer from researchers and innovators to students and trainees in the textile and clothing sector with...

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Members’ meeting

Members’ meeting

On April 16 a meeting  of AEI Textiles' members took place. It was held at LEITAT Technological Center  facilities in Barcelona. It started with a workshop on How to improve communication with the company and with the family? given by the consultant Family Business...

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58th edition of the Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress

58th edition of the Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress

From  11th to the 13th September, the 58th edition of the Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress (Dornbirn-GFC) will take place. AEI Tèxtils participates as a member of its Committee. The congress brings together more than 700 professionals from different countries each year...

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AEI Tèxtils takes part at the iTechStyle Summit in Porto

AEI Tèxtils takes part at the iTechStyle Summit in Porto

AEI Tèxtils has been present at the third edition of the textile international congress organized by CITEVE,  the iTechStyle Summit, held in Porto from April 2 to 4. Josep Casamada, Project Manager of AEI Tèxtils, presented the paper Sustainability and Circular...

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Success of the EU-TEXTILE2030 mission to Israel

Success of the EU-TEXTILE2030 mission to Israel

AEI Tèxtils took part at the mission to Israel, organized by EU-TEXTILE2030. During the mission, several research centers and companies in the textile sector and technology providers were visited. It took place from March 25 to 28. Three members of AEI Tèxtils...

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AEI TÈXTILS is member of the ITMC Scientific Committee

AEI TÈXTILS is member of the ITMC Scientific Committee

From 13th to 15th November the Conference on Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customization-ITMC 2019 will be held in Marrakech. AEI Tèxtils, represented by its Cluster Manager, is member of the Conference Scientific Commitee. This Committee is formed by 47 professionals...

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Participation at the event EU-Taiwan Cluster Collaboration

Participation at the event EU-Taiwan Cluster Collaboration

AEI Tèxtils attended the EU-TAIWAN Cluster Collaboration Event which took place in Lyon on March 6th and 7th in the framework of Industry 4.0 International Days 2019 held during the Global Industrie Trade fair. AEI Tèxtils met with several other clusters with the aim...

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Roda de premsa de Techtextil

Roda de premsa de Techtextil

L'1 de març, l'AEI Tèxtils va assistir a la roda de premsa de la fira de tèxtils tècnics més important a nivell mundial: Techtextil. La roda de premsa va tenir lloc a l'Hotel Cubik de Barcelona i va comptar amb la participació de Michael Jänecke, Director de l'Àrea...

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