
AEI Tèxtils measures to reduce the effects of the COVID-19 crisis


Since the declaration of the state of alarm, the cluster team has been working remotely in the implementation of support measures to alleviate the effects of the crisis we are currently experiencing, both to strengthen our members and the cluster.

1. We reduce our membership fees

We postpone the billing of the annual membership fees, scheduled for April, until September. In addition, we will apply a 20% discount on all membership fees.

2. We inform and advise

We periodically compile the information gathered from the different governmental administrations related to support measures, both fiscal and labor. We also share with all our members the relevant technical information we gather in the field of textile materials for medical/health applications.

3. We promote our members

Promoting the visibility of the technical textiles’ sector remains as one of our top priorities. We are working on:

–  the awareness-raising about the capacities of the sector, through a new format of presentation of the partners the web page,
– preparing a communication plan to feature the sector value and capabilities to implement after the current crisis.

4. We work with international funding programs

We work to increase the positioning of the cluster and its members in European consortiums and programs. We are already working on:

– six projects for members that we will submit later this month in two European calls,
– preparing the new initiatives that we will launch in the coming months open for our members to benefit from, aimed at the excellence promotion, internationalization, and new value chains,
– prepare, with international partners, new project proposals aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the companies in the sector.

5. Networking

AEI Tèxtils is composed of 36 organizations in which people interact continuously, with each other and with the members of the international networks the cluster is involved in. In the current situation, interaction is specifically more needed than ever, this is why the cluster:

– maintains direct contact with other clusters belonging to the European economic interest group EU-TEXTILE2030 of which we are part, to share experiences, contacts, knowledge, that can help us to respond to needs that are emerging in our members,
– uses the international network CONTEXT, which the cluster leads, for technical consultations with experts, search for information, etc.,
– encourages the members to keep in touch so they can share information, look for complementarities, and ultimately promote cooperation to meet the current needs.

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