
AEI Tèxtils fosters the circular economy in the advanced textiles materials’ sector


AEI Tèxtils has started the TEX-r-HUB project (a hub for recycling textiles for technical use in Catalonia), co-funded by the Waste Agency of Catalonia within the framework of the Promotion of the Circular Economy program. The aim of the project is to develop a sectoral study to promote the circular economy in the advanced textile materials sector in Catalonia, connecting companies in the ecosystem to facilitate the circularity of the sector.

The project aims to generate a circularity boost for the sector, mainly composed of SMEs, as new opportunities will be seeded for them to contribute to the reduction of environmental impact. The existence of a sectoral hub focused on textile recycling allows companies to manage their surplus more efficiently, to share knowledge, etc.

The first sept will be the development of a database of companies and stakeholders involved in the recycling value chain of advanced textile materials, identifying their technical recycling capabilities and their existing challenges for scaleup and growth.

Then, the cluster will invite the stakeholders to a series of co-creation sessions in order to develop a long-term strategy and workplan to scale the network into a recycling hub. The result will be a technical and economic feasibility study of the solutions proposed by the hub in Catalonia.

AEI Tèxtils has previously implemented several projects related circular economy, co-funded by previous calls from the same program of the Catalan Waste Agency.

TEX-r-HUB is the next step in the green transition with a clear sectoral orientation in developing a tool for companies to facilitate recycling.

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