


Program: Erasmus+

Participation of Tèxtils.CAT: Member. Consortium composed of 8 partners: EGE University, CIAPE, ESITH, the University of West Attica, C2TM, OFPPT and GIAC.

Start date: December 2023

End date: November 2026


Techtex is a capacity building project that aims to strengthen the FP system in Morocco in the field of technical textiles. Through the expertise and resources of the members of the consortium, the project will work to tackle the current gaps between the skills needed to boost this sector and the training offer that is currently on offer.

In order to align the needs of FP courses in technical textiles with the reality of the sector, the project will develop a virtual training program based on the study of these needs. It will develop a training for the trainers, too, so that they have the resources and knowledge necessary to make the students get the maximum profit of the course.

After the course development, a pilot test and a validation will be carried out, which will enable the recipients of the training to give impulse to the technical textiles sector in Morocco from a sustainable and resilient perspective.

The consortium is made up of entities from the industry, FP centers in Morocco and universities with previous experience in applying good practices.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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