


TEXTILE2020 – The European Cluster for Advanced Textile Materials

Program: CIP of the European Commission

Participation of Tèxtils.CAT: member of the consortium, formed by 9 members. Coordinated by NFID – Nord France Innovation Développement.

Start date: September 2012

End date: August 2014


Main objective of the project was the creation of a European technical textiles cluster to develop and implement a joint international long-term strategy that would help to consolidate, strengthen and extend its international competitiveness.

The main actions carried out under were:

  • Business trips to: Tunisia, Japan, Canada-USA, Brazil
  • Join participation at trade-fairs: Techtextil Frankfurt’13, Techtextil Moscow’14, TechTextil Atlanta/Texprocess Atlanta/JEC Americas’14, INDEX’14.
  • Development of a joint internationalization strategy
  • Development of a market study on personal protective equipments in Brazil.

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