What we do


  • Free access to sectoral reports and studies elaborated by Tèxtils.CAT on subjects
    and technologies of the sector.
  • Free participation in periodic networking meetings between members and
    networking sessions organized with other entities.
  • Free access to the calendar of events in the sector (congresses and fairs related
    to the different areas of application of advanced textile materials).
  • Reduced fees for technical-commercial consultancy services specialized in the
    advanced textile materials sector (preparation of market research studies, etc.).
  • Support in the preparation of proposals and access to European project consortia
    and continuous follow-up throughout the project implementation phase.
  • Direct access to similar European advanced textile material clusters for the search
    of suppliers, partners, etc. Access to the EU-TEXTILE 2030 database.
  • Organization of specific training on technologies in the sector.


September 2022 –
August 2025

intransit logo


December 2022 –
November 2025


September 2022 –
August 2025

December 2023 –
June 2025

December 2023 –
November 2026

intransit logo

September 2023 –
February 2025

intransit logo


June 2023 –
June 2026

regiogreentex logo

January 2023 –
December 2025

logo zerof

January 2023 –
December 2025


July 2022 –
June 2025

February 2022 –
July 2024

May 2021-
May 2024


February 2022 –
Gener 2024

September 2020 –
August 2023

September 2021 –
April 2023

September 2021 –
April 2023


March 2021 –
February 2023


November 2018 –
April 2023

Galactica AEI Tèxtils


September 2020 –
February 2023

January 2020 –
January 2023

November 2020 –
January 2023

October 2020 –
September 2022


February 2020 –
July 2022

January 2020 –
January 2022

January 2020 –
March 2021

September 2019 –
April 2022

January 2019 –
July 2022


March 2018 –
December 2018

December 2017 – November 2019

September 2017 –
February 2020

July 2017 –
June 2020

September 2016 –
June 2017

September 2015 –
August 2018

September 2015 –
June 2016

December 2014 – November 2016

September 2012 –
August 2014

October 2010 –
September 2012

Annual reports

Annual report 2021

In projects mobilized by the cluster

Hours dedicated to fostering innovation

In non-refundable financing in projects for associated members with the support of the cluster

Professionals providing services to the members

European clusters we collaborate with

Countries we collaborate with

Papers presented at international conferences

Press hits

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Annual report 2020

€ in projects mobilized by the cluster

Hours dedicated to fostering innovation

€ in non-refundable financing in projects for associated members with the support of the cluster

Professionals providing services to the members

European clusters we collaborate with

Countries we collaborate with

Papers presented at international conferences

Press hits

Annual report 2019

in the implementation of 10 projects and generation of more than 15 project proposals

Increase in the number of associated members

Increase in our network of international contacts: clusters from other sectors, companies, research centers, etc.

Attendance at more than 20 international events of interest to our members

Organization and / or co-organization of 10 events

350 hits in the national and international press

Cluster headcount growth

Continuous training of the team to keep up to date with sectoral trends

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